If you are like me, when you have a party or people over you scramble to clean up the place. You want it to look nice for your guests. The same holds true for your guests, generally (if they are good friends) they will shower and clean-up before they come over to your house.
The same will hold true for companies wanting to move to Azure or some other cloud computing paradigm. Before you move your data to someone else's house you are going to want to clean up, the team setting up your Azure environment will make everything shinny and new and everyone will get together and have a great party.
So data clean-up is not a trivial event for most corporations older than a year. The organization of information needs to be done in a thorough, diligent manner. Taxonomy development, organization of information and its associated meta data, is both an art and a science and should not be taken lightly within the organization.
So if Corporations have the opportunity and they apply the resources to organizing their information, what could be wrong with that?
Laws, Regulation, Acts, Statutes get in the way.
Any corporation that exists in more than one state or country is subject to multiple regulations, even if they are not a part of the traditional "regulated industries". In today's environment, regulations, statues etc cover how information is handled, stored and what to do if personal information is accidentally released.
So the downside to the cloud is that your organization is transporting corporate information that may be subject to regulation is being sent across state lines to an undisclosed location where the cloud computing systems reside.
The answer is that organziations need to have their information management under control before deciding to move to a new platform.